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Fine ArtNature

Monochrome plant artworks

By October 9, 2021November 19th, 2021No Comments

This journal entry post features three monochrome plant artworks. A Canon 65 mm f2.8 1-5x macro lens was used to produce the imagery. In retrospect I could not remember where I found the plant, and what type of plant it is. To help identify the plant I unloaded an image to the Plants of Malaysia database. Results suggested Bog starwort with a 1.01 probability of this being the correct species. Based on the shape of the plant the result was a reasonable suggestion.

For more monochrome plant photos you might enjoy this series which features images of edible flowers. Finally, check out the ‘Nature’ gallery.

Artist: © Tahnia Roberts 2021
Category: Macro photography
Style: Still life
Subject: Monochrome plant artworks
Medium: Digital, photo, black and white
Artist country: Malaysia

Tahnia Roberts

Author Tahnia Roberts

Tahnia is a visual storyteller who uses photography to explore, investigate and document her surroundings. An avid collector of found objects which frequently become still life compositions. Black and white photography is her preferred medium. Born in New Zealand, she currently resides in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

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