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Koi fish monochrome photos taken at Lake Gardens – Kuala Lumpur Perdana Botanical Gardens
Koi Fish swimming monochrome photos - Lake Gardens – Kuala Lumpur Perdana Botanical Gardens

Koi fish photos

A favourite way to start my day is a leisurely early morning stroll through the Lake Gardens – Perdana Botanical Gardens – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was a particularly beautiful morning and the Koi fish were swimming in the lake. I stopped to watch the Koi fish and take photos of their swimming patterns. I found this to be a hypnotic experience.

Why are Koi fish so special in some cultures?

“According to Japanese legend, if a koi fish succeeded in climbing the falls at a point called Dragon Gate on the Yellow River, it would be transformed into a dragon. Based on that legend, it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement.”

Source: Culture Shock – Shedding light on anthropology

Time in nature always makes my feel good. The beautiful sounds of the forest, and  the sunlight playing through the leaves on the trees is without exception magic!

Strolling through the Gardens, I never can predict what treasure I will discover. Some favourite sightings  include, a baby Monitor lizard, different varieties of fungus, tortoises and Koi fish coasting through the pond.

If you like Koi fish, then perhaps you’ll also love butterflies.

Artist: © Tahnia Roberts 2018
Category: Photography
Style: Fine art
Subject: Koi fish, Lake Garden Pond, Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia
Medium: Digital, photo, black and white
Artist country: Malaysia

Tahnia Roberts

Author Tahnia Roberts

Tahnia is a visual storyteller who uses photography to explore, investigate and document her surroundings. An avid collector of found objects which frequently become still life compositions. Black and white photography is her preferred medium. Born in New Zealand, she currently resides in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

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