Kaleidoscope Black and White
This journal post features two kaleidoscope black and white artworks made from dandelion seeds. I photographed a dandelion seed with a macro lens in the studio. After choosing the image I thought might have the most pleasing kaleidoscope effect I went to work.
Kaleidoscope Art Project
Making kaleidoscope imagery is a fun way to explore symmetry. The process involves mirroring photos and rotating the image. From here it’s a simple act of repeating the process. I discovered it was easy to overwork a piece. Knowing when to stop experimenting is a challenge. Albeit – a fun challenge.
About kaleidoscope artworks, here are some journal posts that might be worth checking out. For more dandelion photography here’s a shortcut.
Furthermore, I found this beautiful description of the dandelion flower, in a nature.com article.
“This flower (Taraxacum officinale) is found worldwide. And, as many a child discovers to their delight, when a dandelion sets seed, the flower (actually, hundreds of tiny florets) turns into a mass of seeds known as a dandelion clock. Each seed is suspended from a parachute-like stalk — easily released by a puff of breath.”
Artist: Tahnia Roberts ©2021
Category: Photography
Style: Fine art // abstract
Subject: Dandelion kaleidoscope artworks
Medium: Digital, photo, black and white
Country: Malaysia