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Mythological creatures art work
Mythological creatures black and white art work

Mythological creatures

Previously, a spongy purple Aubergine stem, and with the decay process it finally morphed into mythological creatures.

I cut the stem off the Aubergine and left it to dry on a large North West facing window ledge to catch the afternoon sunlight. However, in Malaysia the humidity level range is within 74% to 86%. Therefore, direct sunlight onto my subject matter doesn’t seem to influence the  drying process. The Aubergine stem quickly decayed and grew mold spores.

I used a specialist macro lens to document the stem. Thus, enabling me to focus in on particular details of the dried Aubergine. Also, achieving super duper close up details. With the added bonus to creatively choose between sharp and soft points of focus adding a blur effect to select elements.

Working with the theme of the pareidolia effect

Phase 1:

Once captured in camera the image remains amorphous, and a mystery to be worked with and imagined. It’s a puzzle, and I never know what the photograph will reveal, and whether mirroring the image will generate a compelling, evocative narrative.

Phase two:

This phase is the most exciting it’s when I mirror the image. Sometimes, and not always I am delighted, and can see and feel ‘Mystical Scapes,’ or ‘Mystical Beings‘ in the work. This particular piece of work revealed mythological creatures. Creatures wearing costume head wear, or using another narrative – [story line] – has the horns of a goat, or ram jutting from their skulls. Fun always 🙂

How about you, what do you see in this image?

Artist: © Tahnia Roberts 2020
Category: Photography
Style: Fine art
Subject: Mythical creatures photography
Medium: Digital, photo, black and white
Artist country: Malaysia

Tahnia Roberts

Author Tahnia Roberts

Tahnia is a visual storyteller who uses photography to explore, investigate and document her surroundings. An avid collector of found objects which frequently become still life compositions. Black and white photography is her preferred medium. Born in New Zealand, she currently resides in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

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