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Steel bollards on the corner of Doggett Street and Commercial Road

A single photograph of the steel bollards was used to make these kaleidoscope geometrical pattern artworks.  The bollards are on the footpath in front of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) headquarters on Doggett Street and Commercial Road, Brisbane, Queensland.

If  you’re fascinated by kaleidoscopes and their beautiful patterns, the Brewster Kaleidoscope Society [BKS] website is worth exploring.

More repeating pattern artworks can be found here.


Steel bollards kaleidoscope.
Black and white kaleidoscope artwork.
Black and white pattern artwork.
Repeating pattern black and white.
Two point perspective black and white artwork.

Artist: Tahnia Roberts ©2022
Category: Abstract art forms
Style: Black and white photography
Subject: Kaleidoscope artworks
Medium: Digital, photo, black and white
Artist country: Australia

Tahnia Roberts

Author Tahnia Roberts

Tahnia is a visual storyteller who uses photography to explore, investigate and document her surroundings. An avid collector of found objects which frequently become still life compositions. Black and white photography is her preferred medium. Born in New Zealand, she currently resides in Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

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